Speed, Distance, and Time Calculator

Calculate either distance, time, or speed given the other two values. For the hh:mm:ss time format, there are several shortcuts you can use (see below). Note that 1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour.



Shortcuts for hh:mm:ss format
When using hh:mm:ss time format, leading zeroes do not need to be entered, and when less than two colons are entered, smaller units take precedence over larger units.
02:01:39 = 2:01:39 = 2:1:39 = 2 hours, 1 minute, 39 seconds
00:05:07 = 05:07 = 5:07 = 5:7 = 5 minutes, 7 seconds
00:00:09.58 = 9.58 = 9.58 seconds